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Step 2: Please watch the video below to learn how to claim your FREE ebook,
and how to get limited time access to my secret videos!

Get My Passive Income Strategies Inside The Ecomm Clubhouse For Just $1 now:

LIMITED OFFER! Join for $1

For today – and today only – you can get a 7-day membership to The Ecomm Clubhouse for just $1 USD (plus any local applicable taxes). I will never offer this to you again. This is not false scarcity!

Join risk-free for a full week now and see if it is right for you. You can cancel instantly any time. If you choose not to cancel, you will then join our full monthly subscription for $67 USD/month (plus applicable local taxes). Again: This is a special thank-you gift that I am only offering to you as a new subscriber. I will never offer this to you again! 

The Real Secret To Financial Freedom...

Every day, I get the same question over and over again…

“Sarah! I too want to travel around the world & be financially free! How can I do that?” And whenever anyone asks me that, I always give them the same answer…

One, you could win the lottery. Two, you could be born into a wealthy family. Or three? You can dedicate yourself to building a real business. Because unlike a job, a business does not have an income cap: and can be scaled UP & UP!

And y’know, I didn’t come from a wealthy family. And I didn’t want to leave my life in the hands of chance, so guess which I option I took? That’s right, option #3. And y’know what? I can safely say that…

I have absolutely, 100%, no regrets! 

A business isn’t a secret money hack. A business is simply when you do 3 things well…

One, you create or find great products/services to sell. Two, you put those products in front of the right customers. And three? You give them an awesome reason to buy!

No tricks. No “secret hacks.” 

No matter your industry, that is what business ultimately is. And here is the truth a lot of people won’t tell you: learning these 3 things for most of us is going to require hard work & sacrifices. Everyone’s learning curve is going to be unique to them. Now I’m clearly a little biased, but if you ask me, it’s well worth it! However it’s a journey & while education is helpful, it’s not a replacement for experience learned from taking action.

For years, I have shared my passion for one particular type of industry on the Wholesale Ted YouTube channel: ecommerce. And while my subscribers appreciated it, they also told me they were tired of disorganized YouTube videos, and wanted me to create a beginner-friendly course of curated yet affordable information to help them along their journey of learning these 3 things as they launched their new business. 

And so I sat down & thought: what information did I wish I had known before launching my first store? And that’s how The Ecomm Clubhouse was born!

Shopify Trusted Course Creator

Sarah is proud to be a Shopify Commerce Coach, and to be a Trusted Course Creator.

here is what you'll learn on the inside!

Step 1: Select a Niche

Follow along with Sarah’s 3-Phase System for choosing a store niche. This system combines data & your personality profile to choose the right niche & type of customer to build your store around! Business is much more fun (and often easier) if you are selling things you like, so that is our focus for this section.

  • Introduction & Business Gameplan! 
  • Shopify vs. Etsy (Which Should You Sell On)
  • How I Hack Algorithms By Choosing A Store Niche
  • Phase 1 Of Niche Selection: Research 20 Niche Ideas
  • Phase 2 Of Niche Selection: Narrow 20 Ideas Down To 5
  • Phase 3 Of Niche Selection: Use Data To Pick A Winning Niche
  • Choose A Niche-Friendly Store Name.

Step 2: Source & Choose Products To SELL!

Previously if you wanted to earn money with ecommerce, you would have to risk thousands of dollars upfront by purchasing products in-advance, only to then have to package & ship them out to the customers manually, by hand. Now, thanks to new sourcing methods such as Print On Demand, you can sell products on autopilot: without having to buy them first!

  • How to Research & SPY On Winning Print On Demand Designs.
  • How to Create FREE Print On Demand Designs.
  • How I Download Free Pictures & Photos To Turn In Products To Sell
  • How to Get Custom Designs Created With Designers.
  • How to Get Instant Designs To Legally Sell Right NOW.
  • How To Generate Stunning Art To Sell Using AI (Midjourney)
  • How To Create Midjourney Prompts That Generate Amazing Art
  • How To Quickly Make The AI Image You Want Using Reference Prompts
  • Turn Midjourney Art Into High-Res Images To Print & Sell
  • How to Price Products To Maximize Profits.
  • How I Use Free DALL-E AI Art To Create Print On Demand Products
  • BONUS, LIMITED-TIME VIDEO: Million-Dollar Print On Demand Secrets & Methods
  • How to Find Hyper-Viral Products on Aliexpress to Dropship.
  • How to Select the Right Aliexpress Supplier.

Step 3: Create a store by yourself

Got a low start-up budget? No worries! In Step 3 you’ll learn the budget-friendly way to set up a beautiful looking online store, even if you have no previous design or programming experience.

  • Introduction (Combining Shopify & Etsy)
  • Create A Printify Account & Product For Etsy
  • Create A FREE Etsy Store
  • Connect Printify To Etsy
  • How To Optimize An Etsy Listing For Free Etsy Search Engine Traffic
  • How To Successfully Appeal A Temporary Etsy Ban
  • How to Create a Shopify Account.
  • Which Theme To Use & How To Install It.
  • How to Install DSers & Update It’s Settings.
  • How to Install the Chrome Extension.
  • How to Add Products with DSers.
  • How to Create a Printify Account.
  • How to Create Products with Printify.
  • How to Add a Products with Printify to Shopify.
  • How to Create a Printful Account.
  • How to Update Product Pages & Use Sales Techniques In Your Product Copy.
  • How to Add Collections.
  • How to Create an About Us Page.
  • How to Create a Refund Policy Page.
  • How to Create Legal Pages.
  • How to Set Up Payments.
  • How to Set Up Checkout.
  • How to Add Shipping.
  • How to Edit the Confirmation Email.
  • How to Create A Logo.
  • How to Customize Theme & Homepage.
  • How to Add Live Chat.
  • How to Add a Favicon.
  • How to Buy a Domain Name
  • How to Remove Store Password

Step 4: Upselling to BIG Orders

Learn stores to use scientifically-proven psychological tactics & marketing to get customers to BUY more and massively increase their Average Order Value (AOV).

  • How To Add Voyager To Upsell Customers To BIG Orders.
  • How to Add Spin-A-Wheel App To Trigger The Law Of Reciprocation.
  • How to Add After-Sale Coupons To Create Action From Scarcity.

Step 5: How to Get TRAFFIC & BUYERS To Your Store

In this step, I’ll be teaching you some of the tips, tricks & techniques I use to get traffic – including how I get traffic for FREE!

  • How I Get Free Traffic To A NEW Etsy Store
  • My 3 Point System To Optimize Etsy Products For Free Traffic
  • How I Optimize Etsy Store Profiles For Free Traffic, Sales & Conversions 
  • How I Boost Free Traffic With Etsy Ads
  • My Exact Low Budget Etsy Ad Strategy
  • How To Film A Mobile Video Ad For YouTube Shorts/TikTok/Reels
  • How To Edit A Mobile Product Video For YouTube Shorts/TikTok/Reels
  • How To Get FREE SEO Traffic From Google
  • How to Find Low Competition Keywords
  • How to Optimize Product Pages
  • How to Optimize Product Category Pages
  • How to Optimize Your Homepage
  • How to Optimize Your About Us Page
  • How to Add & Optimize Blog Posts
  • How to Build Backlinks With Instagram Pages
  • Introduction To Facebook Ads
  • How to Create a Facebook Business Account
  • How to Create a Facebook Fanpage
  • How to Install the Facebook Pixel
  • The Low-Cost Method To Create Lifestyle Images & Videos For Print On Demand Product Ads.
  • How to Create a Showcase Facebook Video Ad (With Just A Smartphone!)
  • How to Edit a Showcase Video Ad
  • How to Create an Example Facebook Video Ad
  • How to Create a Low-Budget Facebook Ad Campaign
  • How to Create a 3-Creative Facebook Ad Campaign
  • How to Scale Facebook Ads

Step 6: How To Run & Manage Your Store

YES! Customers are buying your items, woohoo! But… how do they get them?! Never fear, here you’ll learn how to manage orders & ensure customers get their items. Even better: as you’ll discover, once products are selling, it can become a source of semi-passive income because of some apps we installed back in Step 3!

  • How to Fulfill Orders with DSers.
  • How to Fulfill Orders with Printify.
  • The Daily Store Management & Growth Plan! 
  • BONUS, LIMITED-TIME VIDEO: How To Scale By Hiring Virtual Assistants

limited offer! join for just $1

Take advantage of this special, one-time offer to join for $1. Become a member today & you can get a $1 7-day membership. After those 7-days, you will join our $67/month (USD) membership until you cancel. And no: I don’t offer a high-ticket, expensive coaching program once inside. What you see here is what you get!

But please note: this is the only time you will be offered this special deal. If you click away, that’s it: it’s gone forever! So don’t miss out. Join The Clubhouse now.

7 day refund policy

That’s right: you have nothing to lose, because you are backed by our 7-day refund policy. At any point, for whatever reason, you have 7-days to refund any membership fees. Of course, we have some of the lowest refund rates in the industry, because as you can see below, we have some of the happiest customers… 

A Note From Sarah...

“Hi there! I am Sarah, founder of Wholesale Ted, one of the largest YouTube channels dedicated to giving actionable advice on how to build a real, profitable business that can change your life.

You see, as I have shared multiple times on the YouTube channel – my life wasn’t always like this. It would have been nice to have been born into a wealthy family and been financially free by birthright – but like most of us, that didn’t happen to me!

Nope. I remember being 15 years old when I got my first dose of reality. I got my first job: working at a supermarket as what we here in New Zealand call a “checkout chick.” And y’know what? I absolutely, 100%, hated it!

I remember thinking, “is this what adults do? Is this how everyone makes money? Going to a job they don’t like, spending hours of their lives doing things they don’t enjoy?” Most of my friends just shrugged & accepted that this was their fate.

But I couldn’t. Some people called me lazy. Some people called me entitled. “This is the real world! Deal with it!” But I just couldn’t accept that this was all life was going to be. 

And I found it so strange that everyone was OK with this. That they would just accept the 9-5 (or more like 8-6) grind. But what I came to realize is that most people underestimate the most valuable resource we have in life:

Our time. 

Yes: It’s true. Most people assume that it is money. But here is the thing: once you learn how to make money, you can make more. But lost time?

We can never get that back.

And so at 16, I quit my job & started my first successful business: an online store! And while it wasn’t an overnight success, persistence paid off, and it changed my life.

And so that’s why I am so passionate about business. Not because of the money (although sure, that’s nice!) it’s because of how it allowed me to gain my time back. Remember, businesses aren’t secret tricks. All they are is when you do these 3 things well:

#1: Find or create the right products.
#2: Put them in front of the right customers.
#3: Give those customers a great reason to buy!”

The only way to guarantee failure is to do nothing. Take action TODAY!

LIMITED OFFER! Join for $1

For today – and today only – you can get a 7-day membership to The Ecomm Clubhouse for just $1 USD (plus any local applicable taxes). I will never offer this to you again. This is not false scarcity!

Join risk-free for a full week now and see if it is right for you. You can cancel instantly any time. If you choose not to cancel, you will then join our full monthly subscription for $67 USD/month (plus applicable local taxes). Again: This is a special thank-you gift that I am only offering to you as a new subscriber. I will never offer this to you again! 

Dylan P

Just joined the ecommerce course and [I’m] loving it so far! hoping to be able to set up my shop at the end of the week thank you so much!


So in these last two day I made my FIRST Sale!!! It is VERY EXCITING to finally know that it is possible. I followed every step on your premium course videos and it worked, I made my first SALE!


Hey Sarah, thanks a lot for all the tips you share with the community. I also get into your course and can say it’s amazing!

Soufiane C

Words not enough to describe how I’m grateful for all the valuable knowledge I learned from you… I created my store and started making sales. You’re the best, Sarah!

Earnings disclaimer: The success you see from me and others, are exceptional, non-typical results. They are individual results that vary based entirely on individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience.